Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week 5 ENT 5366

When looking at advertisements I have noticed that some catch my eyes more than other and that some seem to be more aesthetically pleasing. Prior to learning about Contrast, Repetition Alignment and Proximity (CRAP), I assumed it was personal preference when creating an advertisement, logo, webpage or poster. Now I realized if C.R.A.P. is used the advertisement is more visually appealing. The “four design elements (Contrast, Repetition, Alignement and Proximity) help you layout elements on a page.” (It”s 2011) This principle of design elements also applies to catching student’s attention when creating visuals for class. I looked at some of my old visuals and was able to recreate them and make them more appealing after applying CRAP.
 I also found the use of Stykz Animation to be useful this class. I had not used any animation software prior to this course. I enjoyed discussion the use of animations and how other teachers used them in their classes.
I enjoyed working with other peers to create a website. It was a great way to get to know my cohort as well as to be able to discuss what we expected. By being a student in this process I learned how to use the creating of websites from a student’s perspective. I would like to have my students create their own websites with a group of students on a specific topic. Students could create videos as well as animations to teach other students about a specific topic. Creating a website would allow students to show what they have learned about a topic as well as reflect on the importance of the topic. 

Powell, Emily, Tawnia King, Niki Chesson. ENT5366. Retrieved from Http://

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