Sunday, July 21, 2013

Edld 5366 Week 1 Ancient Manuscript


This week was about the use of  CRAP: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity in publications. The picture above is from 1110 and is an account of the life of a Monk. The first thing I noticed about this ancient work is the use of color and the picture.

Upon further examination using the CRAP model I noticed
1. Contrast: The use of different fonts and the use of different colors.
2. Repetition: The book is divided into 2 columns with a picture and section heading in different colors, font size and font.
3. Alignment: The columns are very uniform with the same font used for all content.
4. Proximity: I noticed the box on the bottom, while I can't read it I assume it is placed on this page because of its relevance to the content above. Such as a footnote we would use today.

The author took great care and detail to make the fonts different for the headings and content. The picture is very intricate and shows the time and care put into the work.

St. Matthew's Passion, in a Passionate. BRITISH LIBRARY - The world's knowledge. Retrieved July 21, 2013, from

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