Sunday, June 9, 2013

EDLD 5363 Week 1

My road to becoming a teacher....
I was a good student and made the a-b honor roll throughout school. It wasn't until my sophomore year in high school at Central Texas Christian school that I had a teacher push me to achieve my best rather than just getting by. I moved to temple high school for my junior and senior year where this passion to excel continued
I continued my education at Howard Payne University, where I was pre-med and had my eyes set on being an orthopedic surgeon.
November 21, 2003 I was headed home from college for thanksgiving when I was hit head on by a driver going 65mph. After spending multiple nights in icu and resting I returned to school for the spring semester wheel chair and all. I had missed finals and the last two weeks of class. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with the long hours of labs and begin looking at math classes instead of science. After spring semester my mind was made up I knew I wanted to be a math teacher. At this point in my life I realized how much one teacher can impact a students live.
I finished my degree and was able to return home in the spring on 2007 to student teach with the teacher that originally inspired me. 
I am lucky to have coworkers in my life that continue to inspire me and push me to be the best teacher I can be.
Christina Flores- reminds me to always find the joy in everyday and to always SPARKLE, this woman can truly move mountains.
Liz Cooley- reminds me to look for the good in each student
And Carolyn Poulter keeps me grounded and reminds me tomorrow is a new day.
I am thankful to work in an awesome district that is on the cutting edge of technology and shares my philosophy for education.
After teaching for 6 years I am so thankful that I chose education as a career. Every day is rewarding and different. Being able to teach students math as well as skills they will need in everyday life is the reason I continue to teach. 

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