Sunday, March 3, 2013

Action Research

What I have learned about Action Research in Week 1 of EDLD 5301:

Action research is a process of identifying an issue, collecting and analyzing data, reading relevant literature, making a change and sharing the findings with others. Action research allows those involved to feel like they have a say in the changes taking place. Action research is different than typical research in that it is done to resolve an issue and create change. Principals have said it allows them to work with the teachers to promote change. That it focuses on students’ needs teachers’ needs and administrators’ needs. It creates professional learning communities that work. It is for those committed to continuous school improvement. A big part of action research is reflection. Reflection allows for a deeper understanding of practices. Reflection also allows for changes to take place and for action research to be relevant and useful.

My first action research project will be on flipped instruction. I will look at the pros and cons, as well as, the implementation and discipline involved. I also plan to look at how it affects test scores and if it is possible to use this strategy with a heavily economically disadvantaged  school. Action research can also be used to solve issues on campus with discipline and instructional strategies.


  1. I really liked the way you explained action research. It is very clear and easy to understand. I look forward to following your blog and seeing how your action research project is coming along.

  2. Emily,
    This class is the first I have ever heard of this concept of a "flipped" classroom. How does it, or will it work with your classroom logistically. You will create videos and upload to a website/blog for your students to access at home? Does each teacher make their own videos or do you collaborate together for resources? Does your principal give you time parameters on the length and/or amount of video clips being sent home daily?
    Sorry, lots of questions. I look forward to following you and learning more. I know you had mentioned on my blog that you wanted to learn more about technology, what are you going to have to learn more about specifically for this project that is different than what you are already doing?
