Sunday, March 24, 2013

Revised Action Research Plan

Emily Powell’s Action Research Project
GOAL: 1. To show how flipped instruction benefits students in the math classroom
                   a.   To show increased motivation by students.
                   b.   To show increased participation by students.
                   c.   To show increased achievement by students.
                   d.   To show increased engagement by students.       
Action Step
Person Responsible
Needed Resources
1. Survey students/parents (2012-2013) on time spent on homework, degree of difficulty, and overall thoughts on the class
Emily Powell
May 2013-
June 2013
Survey online and anonymous
Have each student and parent complete a survey on Algebra Class (this will be used to set the foundation and show a need for change in the mathematics classroom)
2. Collect data on current students common assessment scores and EOC scores
Emily Powell, Cheryl Ogle (testing coordinator/ Instructional facilitator)
May 2013 (after EOC scores come in)
Common assessment scores
EOC data
Create visual representations of data (analyzing data)
3. Research flipped instruction
Emily Powell
Daphne Woodall
Melissa Trcka
March  2013-
July 2014
“Flip your classroom” by Bergmann
Current publications
Teachers currently using flipped model
Create a flipped classroom based on Bergmann’s and others suggestions (analyzing data: literature review and developing deeper understanding)
4. Create videos to be used in the 2013-2014 school year
4b. Create videos that can be used with Cornell notes or interactive notebooks
Emily Powell
Liz Cooley
July 2014-August 2014
Video recorder
Screen capture software
Create videos for each new lesson for 2013-2013
5. Create a website to house all videos as well as introduction to flipped instruction for parents and students
Emily Powell
Vicki Ventura (technology guru at Belton ISD)
Renee Cervantes
July 2014-August 2014
Website that is easy to access and videos that can be viewed on ipad, ipod, iphone devices
A website that is easy to use and is prepped with the first semesters materials
Approved Website by BISD
5. Compare data on all common assessments Fall 2013
Emily Powell
Cheryl Ogle
August 2013- December 2013
Data on all 8th grade students enrolled at BISD
Common Assessment scores
6. Compare number of missing assignments to other classes (Fall semester 2013)
Emily Powell
Liz Cooley
August 2013-
December 2013
Grades on all 8th graders enrolled at BMS
Compare completion rates on missing assignments
7. Survey students of 2013-2014 on time spent on homework and degree of difficulty (also survey parents on instructional delivery method)
Emily Powell
8th grade students 2013-2014
Parents of 8th graders
May 2014
Compare surveys of May 2013 to May  2014 (Exploring programmatic patterns)
8. Create visual graphs to show current classroom scores to flipped classroom scores (State Test)
8b. Compare commended/advanced score as well as passing rate
Emily Powell
June 2014
Data from 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014
Presentation for sharing and blog notes throughout the process (engaging in self-reflection)
9. Present findings to all Principals and Instructional Facilitators of Middle Schools in Belton ISD
Emily Powell
Instructional Facilitators
Kim Christy (Director of Curriculum and Instruction)
June 2014
Report created to show differences on Flipped instruction
Videos used for flipped instruction
Website to show it is easy to use and can be easily accessed
Pictures and interviews from students on how they liked/disliked flipped instruction to regular instruction
Feedback from Principals and IFs
Discussion on findings and action to take based on findings (determining direction)
10. Professional Development for teachers on flipped instruction (taking action and sustaining improvement)
District wide in-service
Emily Powell
Joe Brown
Teachers at Belton Middle School, Lake Belton Middle School and South Belton Middle School
Kim Christy
August 2014 (maybe end of school year June 2014)
Show teachers the ease of flipped instruction
How to create a lesson using flipped instruction
The overall benefits of flipped instruction for students
Meeting with principal on effective professional development
11. Blog throughout process to show finding
Emily Powell
March 2013- July 2014
Blog updated once a month and final project posted
Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

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