Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 3

I enjoyed watching the video "Top 10 Tips for Using Technology in the Classroom". The first tip was to use streaming video. As the flipped classroom is getting more and more attention I think teachers are realizing how useful streaming video can be, whether the video be teacher created or already on youtube, khanacademy and many others. Tip 3 was to use teleconferencing. My students are always asking "When are we ever going to use this in real life?" I have found teleconferencing with a professional who uses the topic makes the topic relevant to the student. In tip 8, the author suggest to use social media but cautions against facebook. The video dates itself with this comment. Sophia and Edmodo and other media sites have come out since facebook that are much better for education use but still use social media. Tip 10 reminds teachers to use devices students have. Not all schools have the means to go 1:1 but BYOD or Bring your own device is a wonderful way to integrate technology into the classroom. While the video had lots of good tips, it is an older video and with technology changing drastically I know there are better resources out there.

When creating the action plan is was difficult to know exactly what was expected. However, the concept of creating an action plan to change a situation is a great idea. The UDL lesson was also interesting to write. It is time consuming to write for every lesson but is useful to help a teacher collect their thoughts and make sure they address all aspects of the lesson. (nd). Top 10 Tips for Using Technology in the Classroom [Video file]. Retrieved from

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