Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 5 learning

My favorite video from this week talked about video games being an assessment of problem solving. John Paul Gee states, “in order to survive they (students) are going to have to have innovation and creativity”. Schooling needs to stress solving problems in groups, and students need to be able to work collaboratively so that the “groups is smarter than any one person”. Using video games in school can take an assessment and make it fun because it is in the form of a game. Textbooks need to become manuals for reference rather than the first point of contact. Gee also talked about kids wanting to produce rather than just consume, and students want to use social media networks. He also encouraged the use of fan fiction sites so students can read and write based on what they are interested in. My favorite part of his interview was towards the end when he begin to talk about curriculum, politicians and textbooks taking away from teacher’s professional judgment. Teachers should be rewarded for being innovative. Teachers need to learn technology alongside their students; it allows students to see their teachers as learners. (nd). Big thinkers: James Paul Gee on grading with games. Retrieved from

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