Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 4 Teaching with technology

I currently work in a district that has recently added a non-traditional high-school with project based learning. Project based learning allows kids to learn at their own pace and creates buy-in in their learning. According to Seymour, one must “give up the idea of curriculum. Curriculum meaning you have to learn this on a given day. Replace it by a system where you learn this where you need it (Edutopia, 2001).” Many will agree our educational system needs an overhaul; according to the narrorator, “Putting students at the center of the learning process is the key to transforming the educational system” (Edutopia, 2001). While project based learning is great in theory is it preparing students for Advanced Placement Test, SAT, ACT and even college. Many of the readings were about grading learning and not just using a test. While I agree with students be able to be creative and learning at their own pace this is a difficult thing to do when there are so many state and even national assessments that are Test. (nd). Project Learning: An Overview. Retrieved from

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